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Daphne Plants

Q.What fertilizer do you feed daphne plants

Zone central Victoria | elysianflat added on September 15, 2014 | Answered

Not sure what to feed my daphne plant with. It’s in a pot but looks like it needs a feed. Does it require an acid fertilizer and, if so, what is recommended?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 16, 2014

Ordinary balanced fertilizer (e.g. 6-6-6 or 10-10-10) will be fine. But did you know that fertilizer is not always what potted plants need? Before you decide to fertilize, evaluate the soil (too wet, too dry, too old,) the light (not enough, too much,) the plant's history (new or old, recently moved, fertilized frequently or infrequently,) possibility of bugs or diseases. After you've eliminated the possibility that you need to change the watering, the light, repot, or treat bugs or disease, then you can think about fertilizer. One thing you should include in your evaluation is that daphne does not do well as a houseplant unless you have a solarium for it to live in. This article has more information on these plants: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/shrubs/winter-daphne/care-for-winter-daphne.htm

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