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Russian Sage Plants

Q.What evergreen should be planted in a small space with Russian Sage?

Zone 12572 | Anonymous added on July 19, 2017 | Answered

What evergreen should be planted in a small space with Russian Sage?

The space gets full afternoon sun. There is an Oak leaf hydrangea in the space, that I would like to remove.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 20, 2017

Evergreens make lovely additions to the garden and companion plants to perennials.
You should consider the soil type, sunlight, and the space that you have available for the planting.
Visit local garden centers to see the type of plants available in your area.
Even driving around the neighborhood to see what is growing and what might appeal to you is a great idea.
Here are some links to help you make a planting decision.







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