Q.What Does Water Infrequently Mean.
Some say to water when dry in this article but several said water infrequently. This was in the hard to kill houseplants. I’m pretty good at killing that is supposed to be green. Oh, and how far down does the soil need to be dried out. Someone once said to stick my finger in the soil and if it was dry to the 2nd joint or somethings, to water it. Please explain watering to someone that says DUH alot.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, you don't mention which type of houseplant this is. I am unable to offer much information on its care.
With desert plants, or any species that requires water "infrequently" it will be safe to allow the soil to dry out, completely. Just know that, once it does, it will start to dye off fairly quickly.
Generally, I advise to feel as far down into the container as you can. It should be barely wet at your fingertip. If it is dry, then you should water. If it is barely wet, then it is fine for another day or so.
Be sure to allow all extra water out of the container after watering, as well.
You might consider a moisture meter to remove all doubt.