Q.What Disease Does My Plant Have?
The plant type(aforementioned by the attached photo) is a “West Indian Lantana”. I’ve noticed over the past week that there has been a black coat mixed along with some brown spots on the leaves of my “West Indian Lantana”. Although I’ve watered my plant, the leaves still look the same. It’s safe to say that the cause is not due to it lacking water! I am knew to this planting stuff, so please be respectful and kind with your delivery(whomever you may be). Is it something with the soil? Is there too much sun? Could it be due to too little sun? Is it an insect infestation;what kind of insect infestation? Lots and lots of help is needed with this dilemma, that is help from an experienced gardening buddy.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This looks to be an infection from overwatering, unfortunately.
Pruning any heavily infected growth, along with a fungicide and proper watering practices will help. These articles will offer more information: