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Sunflower Plants

Q.What Depth Of Pot Works For Teddy Bear Sunflowers?

Zone T5E2M1 | Anonymous added on March 18, 2021 | Answered

Hello, I’m trying to grow some dwarf teddy bear sunflowers inside and right now I’ve got a couple pots available. I’ve got 2 15 inch pots that are 6 or 7 inches tall, and 2 20 inch pots that are probably two ft tall. Will the small pots work? Should i put pebbles in the bottom for drainage too? Would more than 4 flowers be too many? Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 19, 2021

Sunflowers have deep roots so I suggest the 2 feet tall pots. You need well draining soil but the pebbles won't help. It is now known that water has a hard time moving between two different substrates.

Four flowers is fine. If growing from seed, start with a few more in case some don't make it. Then thin to four.

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