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Eureka Lemon Tree

Q.What Could Be Wrong With My Eureka Lemon Tree? No Growth.

Zone Yuma, Arizona Zone 9 | SJB added on April 23, 2021 | Answered

I planted a 4 ft Eureka Lemon Tree two months ago. At the time it had several leaves and looked healthy, but the leaves have gradually fallen off and the tree is now leafless. It gets the appropriate amount of water, I believe, and plenty of daily sunshine. I have scratched the vine from the top down to the root ball and it is all green, so it appears to be alive. I have also pruned the branches, in hopes of some growth, but it just sits lifeless. Any suggestions on what the problem could be?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 24, 2021

I suspect it's part transplant shock and part soil related. Is that soil sandy? If so, it needs some compost added.

You might want to take a soil sample and have it analyzed as well. Your local extension group can do that.


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