Q.What Colourful Plants Can I Grow In The Same Pot As A Dwarf Conifer And Green Ivy To Make It Look Bright And Beautiful All Year Ro
What colourful plants can I grow in the same pot as a dwarf conifer and green ivy to make it look bright and beautiful all year round? Thanks

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can add some colorful perennials and also add a couple annuals during the summer if there is room.
For evergreen perennials, check out the colorful foliage of coral bells (Heuchera). Another perennial evergreen, Hellebore, flowers in late winter, early spring. Vinca minor is a perennial vine with blue flowers. Candytuft is a long-blooming white flowered perennial that begins blooming in early spring.
Annuals that you can tuck in for color all summer include petunias, million bells, begonias, sunpatiens, coleus and sweet potato vine.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
There aren't many things that will grow with either of those, unfortunately. What will grow with a conifer depends on the type that it is. Most conifers will make the soil too acidic for other plants to survive.
These articles will help with the limited range of suggestions for this:
As for what will grow with Ivy... Ivy has a tendency to crowd out and kill off anything that it grows with. You may not find anything that pairs well with this plant.