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Wandering Jew Plants

Q.What causes shiny, waxy leaves on a wandering Jew?

Zone 17901 | Tayjscott added on March 24, 2019 | Answered

The new leaves on my wandering Jew are very shiny and waxy. The older leaves are fading. I see that fading leaves could indicate the plant needs more light but I can’t find any info on the shiny, waxy leaves.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 25, 2019

That is just how many leaves look as they are coming out. Then, they fade to dull, or remain shiny depending on the type of plant. In this case, they should go dull, or grow small hairs.

If you can include a photo, then I will be able to help you a little better. It will give me an idea of what is going on, exactly.

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