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Tomato Plants

Q.What Can I Do With Frozen Tomatoes?

Anonymous added on November 13, 2012 | Answered

I live in southern Alberta (Canada) and at the end of our growing season last month, I cut off all my tomato plants and hung them in my garage to continue ripening on the plant. Unfortunately, we had a really bad cold spell and all my tomatoes froze while hanging upside down on the plants. Since then, my tomatoes have been in my garage, not many ripened, but today I took the tomatoes off the plants. Is there anything I can do with these green tomatoes? Jam? Salsa? Sauces? I would hate to think that my tomatoes are nothing but compost now, especially after I spent most of the afternoon trimming, rinsing, and freezing them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 14, 2012

Frozen tomatoes are very watery and most people use them in soup, stew, and sauce, or as part of a vegetable stock.

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