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Q.What Are These Weird Black Dots And Singed Edges On My Chili Plant???

Zone Sydney, Australia | Anonymous added on January 17, 2023 | Answered

Hello, I’m a new gardener and have been growing some cayenne chili plants that I have a few concerns with. This plant shown has some odd black spots on them that are a bit concerning and I think they could be a fungal thing. There are also almost singed tips on this chili plant and some others. I believe that this could most likely be a problem of over fertilizing according to my research. That’s I hope you can get back to me with a diagnosis and a solution!!!!! Thanks in Advance,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 17, 2023

Check for insect pests such as aphids or scale that produce honeydew. A black mold can form on the honeydew. Other possibilities are bacterial infection or overfertilization with nitrogen, as you say. This info should help:


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