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Grape Vines

Q.What are the wire like things that grow off the vine

Zone FL | shari added on October 28, 2011 | Answered

What are the wire like things that grow off the vine? These wire like things wrap themselves around the grapevine and eventually choke out the vine.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 30, 2011

Wire like things off the grapevine? Or off another kind of vine that is growing on the grapevine?

If you are just talking about the grapevine, these may be the tendrils, which allow the grapevine to climb up things. If the growth is very vigorous, it is possible for these tendrils to wrap back in on itself and cause damage.

If you are talking about some other kind of vine, please let me know what it looks like and I can better help you.

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Answered on November 15, 2011

Yes - the grapevine. They wrap round and round the vine really tight. Sounds like the tendrils you described. Thanks

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