Q.We’ve Had To Lift Two Willows (goat Willows We Think) Out Of The Garden To Have Some Work Done But All The Leaves Have Gone Dry A
nd brown, will they survive? The two willows are about 1.5m tall and probably self seeded onto the land before we bought the house. We have been having some groundworks done so they needed to be moved and were dug out with a mini-digger and placed in large pots. We were hoping to be able to save them and put them back in but the leaves quickly went brown and dry. Is it worth planting them back in the ground or is that just going to be a waste of time? Many thanks for any advice.Happy for you to post the question on the site but would appreciate an email too if possible ☺️
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can wait and see if the leaves grow back after they fall off. Continue to water the plants in their pots for a month or so and see what develops.
One way to check if a plant is still alive is to scrape off a little of the stem. If it is green beneath, the stem is still alive.