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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Weeping Willows

Zone 97601 Klamath Falls Oregon | mato_najin@msn.com added on May 10, 2016 | Answered

I hope you can answer a question about my Willow tree. Last year we purchased a bare root Weeping Willow tree. The leaves on the tree the first summer came on pretty quickly, then within a month or so the leaves were turning yellow and falling off, although some stayed green and did stay on. This spring the top branches have no leaves on them as yet (there are some nubs) but the tree is developing new branches and leaves. Sounds confusing…please see the picture I have attached.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 11, 2016

You can test the branches by bending them to see what is still alive or what may have died off.
Dead branches snap off, branches that are alive will bend without breading.
Scratch the bark, do you see green underneath?

Make sure that you are watering adequately. Newly planted trees need regular watering to ensure the roots become established.
You can also give the tree an application of fertilizer this spring to help it along.


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