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Hyacinth Plant

Q.weeping willow

Zone greencastle, pa., 17225 | Anonymous added on March 17, 2017 | Answered

Our tree started losing big strips of bark, now up to 8 ft of tree, all the way around. Don’t see any kind of bugs, etc. under bark. What is wrong, will it die? Don’t know how to do picture.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 17, 2017

Willows are subject to a number of diseases and pests.
Crown Gall, Canker or Scab, though none of these will generally cause the bark to strip or fall off.
Poplar or Willow borers can tunnel under the bark and cause the bark to split or crack. Look for other signs of these insects, like sawdust piles at the base of the tree, swelling branches or twig dieback.
Permethrin can be used to kill these insects.
Sun scald occurs in the winter when the sun reflects off the snow. The sunlight creates heat and it heat the molecules in the tree, then when the temperature drops at night the molecules freeze.
This damages the bark and it breaks and peels.
Most trees will recover from Sun scald on there own, but watch for disease or insects in these wounds.
Injury of bark can often come from animals. Loose wire around the tree can deter critters.


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