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Hyacinth Plant

Q.weeping cherry

Zone 3556 | norden1250@gmail.com added on December 14, 2015 | Answered

We planted two standard weeping cherries around 2 years ago. The more larger of the two, and which seemed to be thriving, has suddenly lost its leaves after drying up but not turning brown. The other tree is in great condition, full of green luscious leaves. In the couple weeks after the leaves dying, we have noticed the branches are now becoming wrinkled and dry looking.
We water the trees regularly and cannot see lack of water as the problem, and when we checked the soil, it was damp. Can they be over watered? Can we save our beautiful tree?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 16, 2015

The leaves turning brown and then dropping is likely caused by a fungus infection.
A Weeping Cherry needs full sun and consistent moisture. A well draining planting site is important for the health of the tree.
If the tree is stressed with either to dry or to wet of conditions it can become infected with fungus infections.
The fungus can spread to other plants and trees, so it's important to clean up the leaves on the ground and dispose of.
You may want to apply a fungicide to the tree. Look for the ingredients of
chlorothalonil or benomyl. Apply according to the directions on the container.
Time will tell if the tree can recover.


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