Q.hardy hibiscus
I don’t actually have a question; I have a comment! We have a hardy hibiscus (rose mallow) that has thrived for about 20 years. It comes back every year bigger and just oh so beautiful. Your article says it grows to 4 feet tall. Mine grows to about 6 feet tall! People walk by and compliment us on our beautiful plant and ask “what kind of a flower is that?” and when I tell them it is a hibiscus, they are so amazed and say “Isn’t that a tropical plant?” Last summer, I harvested a few seed pods and planted them in pots in the house and was so amazed that I got these little plants coming up. I got them transplanted outside in the late summer. I am so excited to see if they will come up this summer. If they do, I am going to share them with friends and co-workers. I am SO excited!!

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
What a beautiful plant! As to the height of 4 feet, this is merely an average for these plants. Obviously, with good care, they can grow much bigger. And you no doubt have that special touch. Thumb's up! :)

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Thos flowers look beautiful! Yes, rose mallow is a great plant and it does bring a tropical look to temperate gardens.