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Container Gardening

Q.Weed Control In Containers

Zone Bournemouth | Anonymous added on June 4, 2021 | Answered

I grow all of my veg in containers being as my garden is very small. I am being troubled by a clover/shamrock type of weed which is chocking my veg. Pulling up the weeds is not working being as any fragment of the root system left in the soil just regrows. My question is – at the end of the season when everything is picked can I weed kill this pest & if I do will the weed killer (Resolva) remain active in the containers? Thanks for your help – picture attached.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 11, 2021

You might consider replacing the soil next growing season if the containers aren't too large. If you use Resolva, the label information says it breaks down in the soil and you can replant in three days, so no, it does not remain active.

If you saw new weeds in the spring, you would have to pull or spray again.

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