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Q.We Want To Plant Some Ground Cover In Front Of Our House Where We Have A Couple Shrubs and Where We Will Plant Some Flowers. We Were

Zone 60487 | dkish4081 added on May 6, 2020 | Answered

told we are in Zone 5 & are interested in Creeping Thyme or any other low ground cover with some color. It will be an east exposure so is limited in the amount of sun and will mostly be shaded all day. Does Creeping Thyme work well in some sun/mostly shade ? Thanks so much for your help and any suggestions are welcome. Diane Kish

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 7, 2020

Yes. It will do just fine in deep shade. Actually, it will be more likely to keep it from becoming an invasive pest in the shade, since they will take over entire areas if given the chance.

Here is an article to help you with the care of Creeping Thyme:


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