Q.We Need Help With Our Peace Lily
We recent got this peace lily. Over the last 2 days she has developed yellow and brown/black spots on her flower and on some lower leave. We have been watering the soil once a week and misting the soil every other day. She isn’t in direct sunlight either. Her flower also never turned white and was a light green before this.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is likely an infection brought about by soils that don't have an adequate time to dry out thoroughly, or the higher humidity provided by misting.
I would start using a fungicide on, both, the soil and plant. Make sure when watering that the top 2 or 3 inches of soil is allowed to dry out, thoroughly before watering. This will be a better option than watering on schedule, and will prevent future infections.
Here are some articles that will help: