Q.How to Control Infestation of Worms
Last year we had the inch worms by the millions at about this time of year. Now they are back again and I do not know what to do. They hang from trees and buildings on a line that they spin and they almost covered the sheds with this web. I have sprayed with home insect spray but within minutes they are replaced with more. Last fall I put bug granules on the yard but that has not stopped them.

What home insect spray did you use? The one you used may not have been effective against the inch worms. Neem oil and bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are effective against these bougainvillea plant pests. Spraying insecticides late in the evening is recommended as well as ensuring that you completely cover every leaf, top and bottom.
This article will give you suggestions for inch worm eradication: