Q.We have a weeping willow on our new house and it doesn’t look like it’s very happy. We want to try to take care of it as best
we can. The weeping willow on our property is not happy. It has many dead branches and only about 1/3 of the tree looks like it’s living. Every time I try to find help for it it looks like people just want to cut trees not actually teach us how to take care of it. So, I want to know how to take care of it and I want to know if you know of somebody in the Placerville, California area that we can contact to help us.
I’m not looking for a tree trimmer.
Thank you

I know you aren't looking for a trimmer but the dead wood must be removed. Not only is it a hazard, it isn't good for the tree. Disease and pests often gain entry via dead wood. There are many types of willow tree. One is native to California and requires consistently moist soil. [https://calscape.org/Salix-lasiolepis-(Arroyo-Willow)] Weeping willow is seldom seen in California and does best east of the Mississippi. Your first step is to get an accurate ID of the type of willow you have as care instructions vary by species. Try this website: https://www.arborday.org/trees/whattree/. It might be that someone planted a willow that can't take the summer heat and drought of your location even if watered. Here is an article on pruning willow: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/willow/how-to-prune-willow-trees.htm