Q.We Have a Turkey Fig Tree That Seems Like It’s Dying
Our poor Turkey fig tree that has done well in past years but seems to be having a serious problem. The last 6″ to 12″ of each branch is dead. Although other fig trees in the neighborhood are leafing nicely, ours is struggling with a very few and small leaf buds. The tree is about 5 years old. We live in Portland, OR. The winters are sometimes cold with a dozen below-freezing days and a 1/2 dozen snow days, though this weather has not mattered in the past.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It sounds like a fungus, though I am not certain which one. I would recommend treating the plant with a fungicide. That should take care of the fungus. It will take a few weeks for the plant to recover and you will likely not get fruit from it this year.