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Q.We have a small walkway in front of our house and is lined with mulch. Recently my mother-in-law had her landscaper put in plan

Zone Atlanta, Ga | Anonymous added on April 24, 2020 | Answered

ts without me knowing . As a result I pulled the plants from the mulch . Now I would like to know what I should plant as I know very little about gardening! I would like to know if I can plant in mulch and what type of plant to get here in Atlanta. I only took out about four plants so I don’t need a lot but then again I don’t know much!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2020

If it's a shady area, azaleas would look nice and they are evergreen plus flower. If you have a lot of sun there you could go with dwarf variegated boxwood, variegated osmanthus, dwarf holly, dwarf nandina. Choose a small shrub, no more than 3 feet tall. Here are more ideas:


You are in USDA plant hardiness zone 7b or 8a depending on your location in Atlanta.



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