Q.We Have A Queen Anne Palm Tree That Within A Matter Of Just A Few Days Went From Being Completely Healthy To Completely Dead. All
of the fronds turned brown and droop. The bark of the tree is black and has a peculiar odor (it smells like dirty feet). Can yo u advise what might be causing this? We have purchased a new bottle palm to replace this dead tree. We plan on having the dead palm cut down to the base (not having the stump ground) and planting the new palm tree about one foot from the stump of the dead tree. My concern is whether whatever caused the sudden death of the Queen palm can also kill the new tree. Is the soil diseased? Is this something we need to check before planting the new tree?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Yes, the soil is diseased. Planting a new one without correcting the issue will lead to another dead palm. COMPLETE removal and treatment will be necessary. Your local extension service will be able to suggest, or help with, treatment to the area.
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