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Q.We had to pull out Gladiolus because of a weed invasion

Zone 9-10. Nort. Calif. | Hensonville@att.net added on May 1, 2014 | Answered

They had green leaves and it was prior to blooming. Will they die because of the early lift?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2014

I think in your position I would try to put the glads into pots of soil and keep them in a shady spot until the herbicide has dissipated, at which point I would put them back in their accustomed bed. They use their green leaves to produce food which is stored in their bulbs; if they haven't been allowed to do their food making, the bulbs will be weakened, and will be unlikely to grow at all if you keep them in storage for the better part of a year. You may not get any flowers this year, and possibly next year's flowering will be impacted, but after a full cycle, they should be fine.

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