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Hyacinth Plant

Q.wave petunias in beds (Mulch)

Zone carmel, IN, 46074 | jean upton added on April 20, 2018 | Answered

Hi, I have a large yard. Much of it is mulch with weeds poking through. I was curious if I seed the mulch with wave petunias, will grow and spread. I am hoping the Petunia’s will choke the weeds out. I live in Indiana, zones 5b and 6a. I am going to Preen the beds and mulch this weekend (4-20-18)

Thank you so much,

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 20, 2018

First you have to remove the weeds that are present. Preen will prevent the petunia seeds from germinating. They are easy to grow from seed but tossing seed will lead to erratic results. I suggest using Preen (read the instructions!) and buying petunia plants. You can also grow plants in containers on top of the mulch. To give the large bed some vertical interest, consider an ornamental grass or dwarf arborvitae.

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