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Watermelon Plants


bwagner added on July 5, 2011 | Answered

I planted my watermelons approx. 60 days ago and there are lots of buds, but I have no melons yet. Have I done something wrong? Lots of buds though.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 9, 2011

Have you seen bees flying in or around your garden? Must have those "flying pollinators" around to have fruit. If you have had flowers for 2-4 weeks but no signs of melons forming, it may be that bees have not pollinated the female flowers. I have cantaloupes that I have to manually pollinate because there are no signs of bees where I live.

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Answered on July 6, 2011

where r u? watermelons can take up to 120+days,need a very long growing season.if you have blooms you should get melons soon

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