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Hyacinth Plant

Q.watering watermelons

Zone 38611 | Anonymous added on July 22, 2017 | Answered

Have had a brutal 2 weeks of 90+ to 98 Degree heat with H.I. 110+ here in Northern Mississippi.
Have been watering every other day the hill/roots. I used the raised bed
The vines/leaves are closing up/drying. Melons are hanging on so far.

Do I need to water the row itself? Have the drip hose to do this. Or, just keep watering the hill or roots?

Thanks in advance.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 23, 2017

Water is crucial for your plants. You can dig down into the soil and check how far the moisture is below the surface of soil.
This article will help you.


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