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Impatiens Plants

Q.Watering of Impatiens

Anonymous added on June 7, 2015 | Answered

I recently bought some “Sun Patiens” from Home Depot. This is the 3rd year I have planted them. I started planting them because I was told they had been bred especially for growing in direct sunlight. The first year, they grew beautifully. Last year toward the middle of the summer, they started wilting and then dying. By the end of August they were almost all gone. I watered them regularly and fertilized them with Scott’s liquid fertilizer, which is sprayed on with a garden hose. This year, I planted them less than a week ago, and every day after about 12 to 18 hours after the last watering, they start wilting. I go out and water them and in a half hour or so they look good again. Trouble is the ground looks like mud. They are planted in regular soil. What am I doing wrong? My wife thinks there is something wrong with the soil but I don’t agree.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 10, 2015

Impatiens are extremely sensitive to lack of water.
Your description that the soil around the plants looks like mud, tells me the soil is most likely compacted and poorly draining.
The roots of your plants are probably not able to soak up the water or are sitting in to much water.

I would amend the soil in the area of your garden, Soil should be well draining.


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