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Fir Trees

Q.Watering Frasier Fir

Zone 21701 | Anonymous added on December 5, 2018 | Answered

We purchased a Frasier fir and cut the bottom before putting it in a tub of water. We brought the tree indoors a couple of hours later and put it in a large stand with water. The tree has been absorbing about a quart of water a day for the last week and has suddenly stopped taking any water for the last 2 days. Should we remove it from the stand and make another cut in the trunk? The branches still seem pretty well hydrated and it’s not dropping needles yet.

Thank you.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on December 6, 2018

These will not have a very long life, even in water. As they die off they will take less water, and cutting will only help slightly, but will not keep it alive any longer, or will only be marginally longer. You may continue to maintain the tree as you have been, and throw the tree out once it starts to dry. No tree would be worth a fire, if you intend to put lights on it.

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