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Q.Watering Cans

Anonymous added on April 21, 2014 | Answered

Does anyone sell a clear plastic watering can with a measure marked on it? I have colored ones but it is difficult to tell when the water has reached the volume wanted.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2014

What a great item to have such a watering can would be! I have a collection of old metal watering cans and some everyday plastic ones. Not any are graduated/marked. Some are one gallon and two gallon, one even 2 1/2 gallon, along with a couple that are about a quart. I think the only way to really achieve this for now is to buy a measuring pitcher. Mix up the amount desired and then pour it into the watering can. I currently have such a measuring pitcher that I use to make up limited fertilizer mixes for my plants and some of my roses. It works well, that is until someone brings a Measuring Watering Can to market for us!!

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