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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Watering a vanda orchid

Zone Skegness uk | Dobo added on August 21, 2016 | Answered

My Vanda is in the greenhouse along with tomatoes, peppers, etc. I usually submerge the root daily with a weak feed. It has vigorous root growth and first signs of a flower bud. I am going away for 10 days and wondering if I leave a container of water close to the orchid, will it get enough moisture from the air? Or would it be better to get someone to water it?


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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 22, 2016

I would recommend having someone water your Vanda. Most orchids would survive just fine without being watered for 10 days, but Vanda orchids are much more sensitive to water stress than most others. It sounds like your orchid is grown with its roots in the air and not in a pot, which will make it more sensitive to water stress as well.

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