Q.Water My Newly Planted Knockout Roses Every Morning. They Are Not Doing Very Good. Help! I Have Had Them Before And They Did Be
I don’t have a camera the does photo. It is a camera for old folks.
If you are watering them every single morning, you are most likely over-watering them. I use a Moisture Meter with the longest probe end on it I can find. I probe down into the ground in at least three places around each of my rosebushes to see what the soils moisture reading is prior to watering them. Do not water unless the readings are slightly moist to dry. Once your Knock Outs dry out a bit, try watering them with some water that has Both a product called Super Thrive and a Root Stimulator mixed into it. Water them with a fresh batch of this same mix the next 4 to 5 times they need water. This will give them a great get going boost.