Q.Wanted To Contact Allie Regarding The Media Kit
Hi , Are you currently accepting advertising on gardeningknowhow.com? I’m speaking specifically of a 300×250 banner inside the content on the home page. I would be interested in purchasing a test very soon. Do you have recent traffic stats? Thanks and talk soon, Norbert.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Alright! I have obtained the email, and it will be changed on site. Thank you for pointing this out. Here is the new link:
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
For questions regarding advertisement you will want to go to the bottom of the home page at https://www.gardeningknowhow.com. There you will see a link to click on. It will say "advertise".
When I click on that link it takes me this page:
Then it directs me to this pdf:
The bottom of the pdf there is an email address that doesn't work.
Who should I contact?