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Planting Seeds

Q.Want To Sow Seeds, But Heavy Rain Coming

Zone Zone 8a | Anonymous added on April 5, 2021 | Answered

I am in Alabama and looking to direct sow seeds into my vegetable garden. One problem – we are expecting 5-6.5 inches of rain over the next two weeks. While there are dry days in there that I could potentially sow, I am concerned about too much moisture rotting my seeds. How much rain is too much rain for newly sown seeds? If I wait until after this rainy spell, I am concerned that it might be getting too late in the season for certain vegetables. I could start the seeds indoors and transplant later but I would rather avoid transplanting if I can.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 6, 2021

I would also be worried about the seeds being washed away. Your plants won't survive in standing water. If your beds are well draining, such as in raised beds, they may be OK, but there is still the issue of washing away. I think I would wait to plant or go ahead and start indoors.


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