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Bonsai Trees

Q.minimum safe distance for planting banyan trees

Anonymous added on June 16, 2015 | Answered

Want to know the minimum distance to be kept from an L-shaped building while planting five ten-year-old bonsai banyan trees into outdoor soil. I have two buildings in L shape. The place needs shade badly. What is the minimum safe distance I can keep when planting the banyan trees?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 17, 2015

Banyan trees can get too large for planting anywhere near buildings. That said, even though these are bonsai plants, planting them in the ground will only allow the roots to grow and spread, so I would suggest leaving the trees in containers - you can use large planters if necessary - to prevent any issues with the roots later. If you must plant them in the ground, I would leave at least a 20-foot spacing from the building.

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