Q.Wandering Jew Stems Are Weak And Break Off Easily
If I touch the leaves on my wandering Jew anything less than delicate care, they break off. What can I do to strengthen the plant?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They are quite brittle to begin with, and lack of light can make them more so. Try giving them a little more light, and if that doesn't work check for silica deficiency.
Potassium silicate should be used sparingly for correction, since it can lock out Iron, Manganese, Copper and Zinc.
Since it is alkaline, it can also lock out nitrogen. Start at 1/4 strength, and work your way up every two or three weeks until you find the amount that they need. Then stop completely, as it will remain in the soil for a while.
Here is an article that will offer more information on the plant: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/wandering-jew/growing-wandering-jew-plants.htm