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Weed Control

Q.Visqueen and weeds

Zone 9a | snakeskins added on June 30, 2016 | Answered

I’m helping a neighbor with backyard landscaping. The first step for me was to deal with the weeds. First, I sprayed Round Up weed killer. Then a week later I found that there were green weeds around where I sprayed. So I proceeded to dig them out with a tool. My question is, do I really need to do this? Since most of the area is going to be covered with visqueen and landscaped with rocks, I figure the weeds would die on their own from lack of sun and water. Most of them are dead due to the Round Up.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 2, 2016

Working to remove weeds and prep an area for a landscape project is very important.
This is often the least 'fun' part of a project and is easy to talk yourself out of the work.
In the long run, and the beauty of your future landscape project, don't skip the prep work.
And very kind of you to help out a neighbor!


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