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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Vining Bean Plants

Zone GA | hollybo10 added on June 30, 2013 | Answered

I would like to grow something pretty that will vine through my old rusted fence. I once saw a book that had all these different kinds of beans that vined and were very colorful. Does anyone have any suggestions? Some would be in almost full shade, others, almost full sun. non edible is fine

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 6, 2013

o, awesome! no, I don't want edible. I will try to find some of these! thanks so much!!

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Answered on June 30, 2013

You don't state whether or not you want edible beans. One of the most colorful and vigorous climbing beans is Dolichos lablab, or Hyacinth Bean. You can almost watch it grow, and the "bean" pods are purple. These beans are beautiful, and can climb to 25 feet. I'm not sure I'd want to consume a pot full, but they are edible. They might grow in some shade, but won't look as nice as those getting lots of sun. they are heavy feeders and drinkers.

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