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Apple Trees

Q.Vine Growing In Apple Tree Trunk

Zone CR2 7DA | Anonymous added on October 10, 2021 | Answered

Hi my mother has a vigorous vine in her garden. I don’t know what it is. But it has wrapped itself around her apple tree and is shockingly a part of it now. I can cut the vine at base where it grows from the soil. But as the vine is now part of the tree, will it live off the tree now, if I cut the vine at base? Like a parasite? I don’t know what the vine is. It’s very twisty and gets everywhere….thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 10, 2021

Before deciding to do anything, I would first get several pictures & samples of the vine and its blooms and take them to a local garden center for identification. I normally try to keep all plant growth away from my apple trees.

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