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Hyacinth Plant


Zone Orlando, Florida | janegirlgardener added on May 22, 2016 | Answered

I planted some Vinca plants…Some are doing great, others not so good. The ones not doing so good look wilted like they are not getting enough water, but I am giving them all the same amount. I have fertilized with Miracle Grow twice since I have planted them but don’t understand why some are doing great and some are dying. Can you give me some advice?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 23, 2016

Make sure that the plants are adequately watered by checking the soil. New planting should be maintained in moist soil until the roots become established.
Over watering could also be an issue, the wilting could be due to too much moisture and if the soil is not draining can lead to root rot.

I would avoid fertilizing the plants until you see active growth on the plants.
Excess fertilizer could harm the plants, excess nitrogen will also cause lack of flowering.


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