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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Victora plum tree

Zone Northern Ireland | Anonymous added on August 18, 2018 | Answered

why has my tree produced hundreds of plums covering every branch and breaking many branches the fruit would be the size of a wallnut

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 20, 2018

Victoria plum trees are biennial fruiters, which means they tend to have a very small crop one season followed by a bumper crop the next. It sounds like you're in a bumper year. For now the best thing to do is try to keep up with picking the fruit. In future years when you see a lot of fruit starting to set, go through and remove about a quarter of the fruit when it's very small (about pea sized). This will make the remaining fruit bigger and save the branches from breaking. You can read more about Victoria plums here:

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