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Container Hydrangea Plants

Q.very poorly Hydrangea

Anonymous added on June 9, 2017 | Answered

I have emailed you yesterday regarding my poorly hydrangea and now have some pictures that might help you to resolve my problem. I re-potted it as it had outgrown its pot but since doing that I noticed after a while that it had become water logged so I put some more wholes in the pot to help it drain off. I did not water it for a week as I thought it must be wet enough but have watered it now as it is wilting. I really don’t know what to do and would be so unhappy if I lost it. I hope you can help with some advice.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 11, 2017

It is best to check the soil, instead of watering on a schedule.
Generally potted plants will need to be watered daily, but make sure you check the soil and that it is draining properly.
You can 'lift' the pot off of the ground to aid in drainage. Garden centers sell pot feet to set your pot on.

This article will help you.


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