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Raised Garden Beds

Q.Vegetable Garden Is Dying

Anonymous added on April 7, 2011 | Answered

I started my vegetable garden indoors and transplanted a lot of the plants over this past weekend. The problem is with the plants in the garden. They are all dying. It’s a raised garden bed with Miracle Grow soil and I water it daily, constantly checking to make sure the soil isn’t drying out too much. The same plants that I haven’t transplanted yet are also outside (just not in the ground) and all are doing fine. Why are my plants in the ground dying? They look like their outer leaves are shriveling up and turning a grayish color, but I know I am watering them enough. I have also been keeping an eye on the temperatures. . . night temps haven’t been falling below 55 since I transplanted. Please help! I have been working very hard since late January to have this garden.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 8, 2011

Did you harden them off before moving them to the garden? The description you sent sounds like the plants are getting sun scalded. If you did harden them off, let me know and if you can send a pic of one of the plants, I can better identify what it might be besides sun scald.

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