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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 7a | sjm1108 added on May 7, 2013 | Answered

I’m going on vacation for a week and some plants need watering often. Read up on two watering products – which one is better, the Aqua Globe or Plantastic?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 21, 2013


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Answered on May 15, 2013

A thorough watering just before departing should be enough. If you don't feel this would be adequate, either product would provide additional moisture.

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Answered on May 14, 2013

I have one tomato plant in 5 gallon pot. mammoth sunflower and grape tomato in a (3.5 X 1 X 6) estimated numbers box herbs and smaller potted plants will give to people to care for the week. other plants will last until I get back.

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Answered on May 7, 2013

There are too many variables to answer your question. What plants, how large and how much sun do they get? Could you get someone to water once while you are away?

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