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Azalea Plants

Q.Lemons as Fertilizer

Anonymous added on January 10, 2011 | Answered

We had a hard frost and I now have some rotten lemons. I vaguely remember hearing something about using lemon peels as a fertilizer for something – maybe azaleas? Could I use these whole lemons in some way? I live in Sacramento, CA where winter can have freezes but the temps are usually 40-50s. Summers are dry with 90-100s for a couple months. Any suggestions would be great. I can just add them to the compost, but have lots of azaleas and would love using them as fertilizer for them if that were possible.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 11, 2011

Azaleas love acid, and lemons are high in acid, so they would make good fertilizer. I would not put the lemons on the ground as is though, as this could attract vermin and possibly burn the soil. Instead, I would compost them first before applying them to the azaleas.

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