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Thistle Plants

Q.Using cornmeal to kill weeds

Zone Shady Cove, Oregon | Kalmiopsis48 added on June 28, 2016 | Answered

How thick does one need to spread the cornmeal? We have almost an acre heavily infested with burweed and bur clover with a few star thistle mixed in. I’d like to prevent the seed from growing next time around.


A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 29, 2016

20 pounds per 1000 square feet is the application rate used in the Iowa State University research test.
Please read the following links to give you more information and determine if the cornmeal is the best choice of weed control for you.

I would also encourage you to contact your local Country Extension Office to inquire on any information on control of these weeds specific to your region. They are a valuable source of information for these questions.

I have included a link to locate your nearest office.





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