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Knockout Rose Bushes

Q.Used Devon On Rose Bushes To Rid Spider Mites

Zone 06033 | noreenwashburn added on August 6, 2020 | Answered

That was a error . What can I do now?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 9, 2020

Did you mean Sevin?

I use a rotation method of getting after mites. I use Avid and Floramite. I will do a couple sprayings of Avid and then a follow up spraying of Floramite one year. Then the next year if the mites come on again, I will do two sprayings of Floramite followed up by a spraying of Avid. These miticides can be pricey so I buy smaller quantities of each on Ebay. A little of the concentrates goes a very long way. I would wash the foliage down well in the early morning or later in the evening when the temps cool down. Then spray with the miticide the next day.

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