Q.Use Of Landscape Plastic Over Bulbs In Winter—foliage Thinks It’s Already Spring In Late Fall!
For a number of years I have laid landscape plastic (LSP) over daff beds after the spent growth browns off. Otherwise these places are overrun by grasses and weeds. The general effect is satisfactory. And every spring I still have the finest daffodils in the neighborhood! I use a lot of this plastic for weed barrier in my fairly large garden. However in November or December, if the sun gives some warmth, some of the covered bulbs seem to think it’s already time to sprout foliage. I see humps under the plastic and find emerging growth under it. I have been removing the LSP when this occurs. The sprouts will freeze when it gets cold enough. So am I doing the right thing by removing the plastic from the emerging foliage in winter, or not? ~~ Thank you

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It would seem that the plastic is tricking your plants into thinking that it is the growing season, early. Eventually, you will shorten the lifespan of the bulbs, and they will die out on you.
If you are covering for weed control, you will need to remove all bulbs that you will want to keep before doing so. Otherwise, you may want to find a new method of weed control.