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Q.Usage of NPK 20-20-20

Anonymous added on May 19, 2016 | Answered

1. This fertilizer NPK 20-20-20 can be used for all kind of gardening plants or which NPK is good for my flower pots?

2. Secondly how much fertilizer should I use in 12” flower pots and up? I am using sandy soil in my pots with well processed cow manure; almost all my flower pots are out in the direct sun on the terrace.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 19, 2016

The 20-20-20 NPK shows that it is a well balanced fertilizer. Remember the N stands for UP or above ground growth, the P stands for DOWN or root system growth and the K stands for All Around or all around plant growth. If the fertilizer is water soluble then mix it per the label instructions for a gallon or two gallon watering can and then apply to the pots, giving each a good watering/feeding. If the fertilizer is in granular form, contact the manufacturer at the customer service or help number on the package. Or look them up on-line and request application instructions for your size of pots.

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